Medical cable solutions for X-ray devices and C-arm systems

Reliable connections for radiography devices, fluoroscopes, C-arms, X-ray system units, peripheral devices, and more

mobile, ceiling-mounted & floor-standing • single- & multi-source • robotic • custom

Globally, we offer established OEM engineering medical cable solutions for manifold X-ray scanners, positioning systems, integrated switchboard units, supervising, monitoring & treatment modules, as well as other medical or telemedical X-ray system components and peripheral medical devices.

Explore our All-in-one Interconnect Solutions for X-ray

System Supply Range

  • Comprehensive management of medical cable system components across the global supply chain, spanning the entire X-ray imaging device life cycle
  • Tailored cable routing and streamlined cable management designs
  • Customized assembly and optional medical cable design to meet specific requirements
  • System verification with dynamical testing
  • Precision moldings for demanding hygienic and high-stress mechanical applications
  • Design, manufacture and supply of complex individual X-ray wiring harnesses with UL-recognized components

Medical BizLink X-ray cable harnesses 

complex & scalable


Our main cable types to boost X-ray imaging devices

BizLink custom C-arm cables

  • Connecting various C-arm system components
  • Transmitting whatever you need
  • Can integrate copper, fiber & tube elements
  • UL-approved
  • Available as medical bulk cable, assembly or part of BizLink X-ray imaging system solution

More fits in our cables than you think. 


BizLink tough X-ray cables

  • Connecting internal X-ray system components, as well as the network behind
  • Reliably transmitting images & data in mobile device units, as well as signals and power to adjust exposure settings, activate X-ray pulses or control positioning
  • UL-approved
  • Available in many configurations with higher electrical, thermal & mechanical requirements
  • Available as medical bulk cable, assembly or part of BizLink X-ray imaging system solution, e.g. harness, cable storage, cable set, drag chain or spring mechanism

BizLink clean X-ray cables

  • Connecting peripheral devices or adjacent instruments of the X-ray system
  • Transmitting images, data, signals & power to and from external units
  • Available in many configurations with higher electrical, thermal & mechanical, as well as hygienic & biocompatibility requirements
  • Available as medical bulk cable or assembly with moulded plugs, grommets and y-splitters

BizLink basic X-ray cables

  • For applications with moderate bending or temperature requirements, e.g. switchboard or control units
  • Usually UL-approved
  • Available in many configurations with moderate electrical, thermal & mechanical requirements
  • Available as medical bulk cable, assembly or part of BizLink X-ray imaging systems solutions, e.g. in cable sets, harnesses or electronic modules


Flyer, BizLink Cable Systems for Medical Technology Imaging, Medical specialties,

Flyer, BizLink Cables for Medical Technology Imaging, Medical specialties,

Our products for X-ray devices

More for diagnostics



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