Customized cables open up possibilities where every detail counts

BizLink special cables create space, maximize reliability, facilitate frequent cleaning, and more

#Healthcare #Cable #Hybrid #Products 

Manufacturers of medical technology products do not usually start the development of their devices and systems with the cabling. Rather, the specifications and certifications of the cable components are defined by the design and functions of the overall system. 

Medical users often find visible cables annoying or even hinder their work. At the same time, the demand for digital and automated solutions in medical technology that can confidently take over assistance functions or offer a wide range of application options is increasing. 

Where every detail counts, it is not only the reliability and safety of the cabling that is crucial for the trouble-free and long-lasting operation of devices. 

Combining the functions of entire cable bundles in a single hybrid cable opens up new possibilities for the design and use of medical devices.

This illustrative cable is compact, bendable and UL-approved. It...

  • ... replaces a cable bundle with ~28 elements
  • ... ensures data, signal, power & media transmission over one single cable
  • ... integrates copper, fiber & media tube elements
  • ... provides unique protection and optimized sliding of individual elements

Bundling many elements into a single multi-coaxial cable reduces the overall volume of the cabling, making room for other components or miniaturization of the system. 

This illustrative cable is thin, flexible, and UL-approved. It...

  • ... reduces cable volume thanks to its compact design
  • ... transmits RF signals, control signals & power 
  • ... integrates coaxial elements & wires for signal transmission
  • ... provides electromagnetic & antimagnetic shielding, and superior reliability in flexible use

Connecting vision systems or monitoring modules via a single hybrid cable increases convenience for users and patients as there are fewer cables to handle and clean.

This illustrative cable is robust, easy to clean and to handle, and UL-approved. It...

  • ... easily is split into it's four single elements by stripping the outer jacket
  • ... ensures data, signal & power transmission over 4-in-1 built-in cables
  • ... integrates Cat 5e, control & power cables
  • ... provides easy installation with robust and clean handling

Letting medical staff and patient only to deal with one reliable cable reduces their stress and maximizes their comfort and healing success.

This illustrative cable is biocompatible, tensile strong, smooth, flexible, and UL-approved. It...

  • ... serves for safe and user-friendly use in patient-oriented applications
  • ... ensures data, control signal & RF signal transmission
  • ... integrates highly screened Cat 5e, coaxial & wire elements
  • ... facilitates care and reliable use with support and monitoring devices

BizLink has the know-how, die equipment, materials, and numerous references to manufacture the right cable for a wide range of individual reqirements. 

Our customized cables are:

  • lightweight and compact
  • low noise, electromagnetically compatible (EMC) and antimagnetically shielded 
  • high-voltage capable
  • highly flexible, resistant to abrasion, flexion, and torsion up to suitable for drag chain use
  • resistant to tensile and/or compression forces
  • resistant to oil and/or chemicals
  • disinfectable and/or sterilizable
  • skin-friendly and biocompatible according to USP VI and DIN ISO 10993
  • UL- and CSA-approved or certified
  • and much more

Do you have any of these or other specifications for which you need a special cable construction?

Challenge us with your individual requirements. 

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